Sometimes Fake is Better


Artificial Grass Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Synthetic Grass – Artificial Lawn – Fake Turf

Synthetic Grass – Install Properly!

How you can install synthetic grass? What are the elements that need to be taken into consideration while trying to install synthetic grass? Well, these are the prime questions that you need to sort out before you can start installing synthetic grass at home, apartment, garden or at the sports arena. The use of synthetic

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Artificial Grass and Gophers, Moles and Other Burrowing Critters

One main reason that people get artificial grass is to avoid the damage that animals like gophers and moles inflict on natural grass. One gopher can wreck havoc on a regular lawn. But unless it’s properly installed, burrowing animals can wreck havoc on artificial grass as well. In the case of artificial grass and gopher

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What is Covered Under Artificial Grass Warranties?

Since most homeowners are first time buyers of artificial grass they are very concerned about warranties associated with the turf itself and with the installation of the job too. The main point of this article is that not every artificial turf manufacturer or installer has the same type of warranty and talking to your sales

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