Blame it on the economy. The future of synthetic turf rebate programs in Southern California is uncertain. According to the California Landscape Contractors Association, “program funding from wholesale utilities [has] been reduced due to unprecedented participation rates.” However, they also claim that Municipal Water District budget cuts will most certainly affect the future of water rebate incentives.
Given the state of the economy we don’t perceive that the water rebate programs will come back again in the near future. Some turf companies will provide incentives directly to the consumer in the form of discounts. We call ours a water rebate discount and give a one dollar per square foot discount up to $500.00 on installations greater than 300 square feet. Our instant water rebates can make up the difference for what the Municipal Water Districts are unable to provide.
If you are looking in to trying to get two rebates at once, you may be in luck still. To see if you qualify for a water rebate, check out the following websites:
While the MWD is cutting back on rebates and with a shrinking budget it isn’t crazy to expect water prices will increase. Synthetic turf will dramatically cut down on water consumption as the average residential lawn consumes 90 gallons of water per year per square yard. Moving to synthetic turf can be a smart water saving move not to mention the fact that is is very simple to maintain.
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