Sometimes Fake is Better


admin, Author at Synthetic Grass – Artificial Lawn – Fake Turf - Page 8 of 13

Synthetic Grass and Children

Parents are always concerned about synthetic grass and their children. Are there any harmful effects? How will it feel? What are the main benefits? Well, the answers are quite positive really. Synthetic grass is hypo-allergenic, non-toxic and completely safe. There have been concerns, however, not about the turf itself, but about the infill products used

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Top 20 Questions to Ask Your Synthetic Turf Installer

It is quite common to get multiple estimates when pricing out synthetic turf. The average consumer will get approximately three or more estimates before making a final decision. The process of interviewing your prospective installer can go well or the time you spend with them can be wasted by just not asking the right questions

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Artificial Grass and Gophers, Moles and Other Burrowing Critters

One main reason that people get artificial grass is to avoid the damage that animals like gophers and moles inflict on natural grass. One gopher can wreck havoc on a regular lawn. But unless it’s properly installed, burrowing animals can wreck havoc on artificial grass as well. In the case of artificial grass and gopher

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What is Covered Under Artificial Grass Warranties?

Since most homeowners are first time buyers of artificial grass they are very concerned about warranties associated with the turf itself and with the installation of the job too. The main point of this article is that not every artificial turf manufacturer or installer has the same type of warranty and talking to your sales

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Why Choose Synthetic Turf for Your Home?

Synthetic turf saves homeowners more than just money. It saves them time and it is eco-friendly. Municipalities, federal organizations, schools and parks are turning to synthetic turf in record numbers for the same reasons: installing synthetic turf reduces your expenditures, there’s no more watering, no more labor cost associated with upkeep, there are no more

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How Tough is Synthetic Turf?

Real grass is dirty, needs a lot of water and if it dies…well…it needs to be replaced. Consumers have questions about the durability and longevity of synthetic turf and we can certainly understand their concerns. Installing synthetic turf is a long term investment and while it looks perfect, never needs watering and has almost zero

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How does Synthetic Turf stand up to Dogs?

Dog owners are very concerned about their pets and their investment in synthetic turf. Urine it for the long haul with synthetic turf! Do dogs dig up the fake stuff? How do you clean it? Will the turf give off a bad odor if pets continually go to the bathroom on it? These are all

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How Much does Synthetic Turf Cost?

How much synthetic turf costs can be answered in a number of different ways. The comparison consumers usually make in their own minds is the cost difference between synthetic and sod. Sod is very inexpensive. Even if you buy it from a big box retailer that marks up the sod significantly, sod is still cheaper

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How does Synthetic Turf Drain?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get about synthetic turf is how well it drains. Most people have the thought in mind that since it is a plastic product that water will pool quickly or that water will simply drain off the sides of the turf in to other areas. The fact of

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Synthetic Turf Vs. Natural Grass

Most people know that synthetic turf will save you a ton of money when it comes to watering and maintenance. But there are a number of downsides to the real stuff that people often overlook. If you live in the southwestern United States you have probably experienced water rationing. Almost everywhere in Southern California, there

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