Sometimes Fake is Better


Synthetic Grass for Tennis?

The benefit of synthetic grass for tennis courts is finally being brought to the public’s attention. For the sport enjoyed by millions across the world, there is now a new option for both safety and performance on the court. The implementation of synthetic grass on tennis courts will allow not only a cooler surface, but also one that is more shock absorbent to reduce natural stresses on the body through high energy sports. Synthetic grass allows for a perfectly maintained look without the costs associated with the maintenance. Turf does not need to be brushed, groomed, or picked for weeds to look professional. The costs of synthetic grass is simply the cost of having it installed, on a professional surface like a tennis court which normally requires high maintenance, will now not need such costly maintenance. More importantly synthetic grass is eco-friendly and will allow for a safe alternative to natural grass which requires natural resources, specifically water to stay maintained. The cost of water to maintain a professional looking playing surface can be astronomical, and therefore synthetic grass can pay for itself in this cost alone. The opportunity costs on replacing natural grass with synthetic grass on a tennis court should speak for itself, with the facts of safety, costs of maintenance, as well as the cost of water. Replacing natural grass tennis courts with synthetic grass tennis courts should be considered for any tennis court that requires a professional look at all times of the year.


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